You Have the COURAGE to
Make a Difference
It only takes a moment of courage - a handshake, a conversation, joining us at the table - to change the life of a family.
Heart of Courage depends on the help of the local community to fulfill its mission of keeping families together. Partner with us by giving your time, referrals, resources, or a financial contribution.
Every 2 minutes a child enters the child welfare system. (The State of America’s Children® 2021) Let's change that statistic!!!
The following are a few different ways you can help. To learn more contact us at: info@heartcourage.org

All monetary contributions are greatly appreciated. Monthly donations are encouraged.

Facebook Fundraiser
Create a fundraiser supporting Heart of Courage on Facebook.

Gifts in Kind
We welcome gift cards, office supplies, cleaning supplies, GED Prep Materials, tutoring, Computers.

We have rewarding volunteer opportunities. Need community service hours? We can help you.